May 12

 Paloma Garcia Rosado

Senior Project

Daily Blogs

May 12

I started my day going to breakfast and then headed to the office. I started working on the thank you notes that I left off yesterday. Then before lunch Bonny, my project mentor, took me for a walk around campus. We walked through the buildings that were built off campaigns and donations. I learned about the importance of recognizing the people that helped during the process, which is also a common manner. I learned about how the campaigns to raise money works and how long it takes to make things like this happen. Besides that I learned a little about the history of proctor. It is very impressive and remarkable all the work that these people do behind the scenes. I would say that was the highlight of today. I then went to lunch and came back to the office. Then I finished the day doing thank you notes and organizing what is next for the details for the reunion. 


8:45 am- 12pm

1pm- 2:45pm


  1. Thank you so much for helping in the Development Office and for writing "thank you" notes.


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